Everything You Need to Know

Dearest hijas and hijo,

Does this sign say anything to you?

In recent travels the past four weeks throughout our great American West, I couldn’t help but stand in disbelief when I saw this sign displayed proudly in the lobby of a popular American hotel chain.

Is this really what this great country is reduced to, to applaud those who simply show up?

What ever happened to the American work ethic? Is that now gone and we have to be kind to those who merely show up for work, as if they should receive a prize and honorific accolades for merely the effort of being there at work in the first place, having nothing to say of the quality of the work they perform?

[Update 9/18: Posted while on the road, and on my phone, so now let me finish some of my thoughts.]

Yes, we are to be kind to everyone. This is part of the two great commandments that Jesus gave in reply to a Jewish lawyer who asked him what was the greatest commandment in the Law: “Love the LORD your God, and love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:35-40). “On these two commandments depend the whole Law and Prophets,” Jesus said (vs. 40).

Kindness is also one of the fruits of the Spirit mentioned in Galations 5:22-23 and should be exhibited in profusion by all regenerated followers of the Christ.

But, I am also reminded of Paul’s exhortation in 2 Thessalonians 3:10, “if anyone will not work, neither let him eat.”

And further, “some among you are leading an undisciplined life, doing no work at all…(2 Thess. 3:11).

Work is central and crucial to any economy. If people won’t work, goods and services suffer for all of us.

The sentiment the sign above displays is off on so many orders of magnitude. It was an excuse proffered by the management and owner of this particular hotel for poor service. In other words, “Hey, we know we’re subpar, but don’t blame us, and oh, be sure to be kind to those who are here.”

Count it joy, Christian, that you do work. It is a blessing from God that you are working and receiving the benefits thereof—both for yourself and for the society you live in.

All my love,


Vaya con Dios!

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