Reveling in Sin

To my non-Christian friends,

Pulling up to a stoplight the other day at one of my local intersections was one of our local homeless men holding a sign. A common occurrence, perhaps in your city as well as mine. Do you ignore them, give them a couple bucks, or offer them something else?

I looked at him plying his trade (for let’s be honest, panhandling was his trade) and noticed he was of sound mind and body; not seemingly under the influence of any particular narcotic or spirits. I looked at his sign. Here is what it said:

G–D—, Jesus is not a cuss word.

Okay, unique, right? Don’t usually see a sign like this. He had definitely put some thought into what he wanted to say to attract customers who would offer him a bit of cash. As I had a bit of time before the stoplight would turn green, I reached into my glove compartment, retrieved a gospel tract that I carry for just such purposes, and rolled down the window.

As I offered him the tract, I asked him in a pleasant tone of voice whether he takes pride in blaspheming the name of God. This question, albeit true by his use of G–D— on his sign, set him off. The tirade that followed was epic. Needless to say, he refused the tract, the light turned green, he moved on down the line, and I proceeded on my way.

It very well could be that I was mistaken by interpreting the sign the way I did. Perhaps his intent was to say “G–D— and Jesus are not cuss words.” But the sign had no and, nor even a little ampersand (&), and the verb tense was wrong.

I use this illustration, my friends, to make a point. Some of you don’t realize by using God’s name as a cuss word, or using Jesus’ name in such a flippant manner and as a cuss word as well, that you are blaspheming God’s holy name. You are violating the 3rd commandment, which states:

You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain” (Exodus 20:7, Deuteronomy 5:11).

Do you understand what God is saying here? There’s punishment involved for those who take His holy and pure and righteous name in a derogatory fashion. Does that concern you? If not, it should.

The corollary, and the commandment given by which God expects and requires of you to perform is this:

And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might” (Deut. 6:5).

Cussing and swearing using God’s name or Jesus’ name, is not loving the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, and might, is it? It’s taking the name of God, and/or the name of Jesus, and dragging it through the mud, treating it as if there was no value to it.

Yet, when you think about it, you wouldn’t take your mother’s name and treat it in the same way. Why is that? Is it because you respect your mother too much to use her name in such a crude and demeaning fashion? How much more is the Creator of the universe owed that same respect.

The sad part of it is, some of you don’t care. Some of you could care less if you use God’s name in vain and in your cussing. Modifying a line from Spurgeon, “Not content to foul your boots by splashing through the pig mire, you lift the lid on the outhouse toilet and dive right in.” You revel in your sin. You enjoy it. You take great pleasure in mocking the name of God, as if in vocalizing your displeasure of God in swearing you have a bulwark against Him when you stand before Him as Judge.

Granted, some others of you, don’t realize what you’re doing. It’s the way you grew up. Your father cussed, your grandfather cussed, perhaps even your mother or grandmother would slip out a few choice words now and then. You don’t even think about it. But I’m asking that you think about it. This is a serious matter before God and is indicative of your spiritual state of affairs.

You see, my friends, there are two ways in which you can go. You can follow the broad path which your friends are following, which looks like fun and brings you all kinds of enjoyment (one thinks) in this life (family, friends, hobbies, money, vacations, self-fulfillment, etc.) but of which leads to spiritual and bodily death, or you can choose the narrow path that leads to spiritual and bodily life (now and for all eternity). It’s up to you. You have the choice. God is not going to force you. He waits patiently for you to differentiate yourself. Will you choose Him or the lie that leads you away from Him?

King Solomon, the writer of Proverbs, says with the utmost sagacity:

There is a way which seems right to a man, But it’s end is the way of death” (Prov. 14:12).

It is the broad path that seems right to a man. It is the way of most of the world. All your friends are on it, at least those friends like yourself, and everyone is having fun. “The narrow path is for the losers,” you say.

Solomon, however, gives a warning:

Everyone who is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD. Assuredly, he will not be unpunished” (Proverbs 16:5).

By following the broad path you are saying with a proud heart, “I don’t need God. He’s nothing to me. I choose to differentiate myself, for myself, and no one else.”

But your house is on fire, my friend. The flames have started to kindle your garments. Get out of that broad path house now, I implore you. Run! Find the narrow path!

Flee to the safety of God’s revelation to you in His Word, the Bible. It is this Word which speaks to you of Jesus as the only answer to your sin problem. Stop procrastinating. Investigate the claims of Christ and believe! Ask God for the faith to believe if you have to. It is not a blind faith you are asking for, but a faith based on evidence. So ask Him to lead you to the evidence. He will not disappoint.

It is Jesus who says:

All that the Father gives Me shall come to Me; and the one who comes to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37).

All my love,

Your friend

Vaya con Dios!

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